mardi 21 août 2012

In a report on the Luffy straw hat

In a report on the Luffy straw hat First:
The owner of the Straw Hat On: ...
It pirate era Great  In order to find the treasure (One Piece)
left by the Pirate King Gold Roger
de  Encountered pirates their fate Boy who eat fruit of (gomo gomo) and his name is Monkey In de .. Aspires to be the Pirate King .. It has gained through his adventures buddies renewed It became their government can not ignore the global ...
... what kind of adventure that lies ahead)) Hahm go now to the New World
 And are still continuing in the Grand Line
Position: Captain Age: 18
 Date of Birth: May 5 (which falls on the Children's World in Japan)
Height: 172 cm His first appearance:
chapetr 1, Episode 1 Awards on the head:
 There is a reward on his head after beating the ability of 30 million on each of: -
(Captain Buggy the Clown, commander of the fleet hackers without Craig, Fishman Arlong)
 then rose to 100 million after beating
 Crocodile member Alchepukai then also rose
after beating Billy 300 million
CB 9 on the island of Ennis lobby
(and Bili is the currency used in the series One Piece)
 Dexterity: expansion Weapon: members of his body Fruit addressed: Jomo Jomo Dream: Get One Piece and become the Pirate King Leading audio ((Baliapani)): Mayumi Tanaka Sound performer ((in English)): Erica Schroeder About him:
 - Monkey de Luffy ((monkey D.luffy)) "straw hat" because it is often referred to as Bhama name, is the main party in the anime and manga series One Piece created by Eichero Oda.
 A pirate who Eaters Devil Fruit and fruit that eating fruit is Luffy rubber. In the anime and manga Luffy is the leader of pirates straw hat and he came from the town of Kochi. 18 years old and there is a reward on his head capacity 300 million dream to become the Pirate King.
The family of de In which famous strength, such as: Brother Ace, a pirate crew pirates within a white beard ((a fruit eating devil "Mira Mira Nome")) His childhood: When Omar At 7 years .. made a pirate on his city and taken by the base him .. was the name of that pirate Shanks is red-haired, having heard of
 .... In the stories of adventures Shanks and his crew .... decided to become a pirate and join the crew, but Shanks Shanks was rejected by the young age .... He decided to prove his manhood and to Shanks and stabbed himself with a knife so the bottom of his right eye in order to prove that he is not afraid of something ((This information unknown to many who follow the One Piece)), but this method did not work ..............
 ............. One day when he was Shanks and his crew celebrating in a bar where he lived for one foot .......
 In bandits known boiling bar he and his men ......
 When asked drink apologized Director of the bar has he left syrup only BOUGHT pirates
((Shanks and his companions)) when it apologized Shanks bandit and extending his hand to him a bottle of juice .... but bandit has poured juice on top of Shanks and has insulted him and ridicule him. Shanks ...
but not made much of it, and he started laughing and his crew on what happened ...
 then anger Luffy because he was considered Shanks is his idol ....
 but Shanks responded that the man has done nothing but juice poured it which is not worth fighting for him ..................
Not convinced the answer and went in to extinguish the anger eat .... but really thing that has eaten fruit is the devil ((Jomo Jomo)) did not know that ...
 when he saw Shanks told him that he could not swim after that and that was the first shock of the In ...... A few days later ..
 bandit returned to the pub when it was not there and Shanks began ridiculing him ...
 he became angry and Luffy he cursed the man and insulted him and call for an apology to Shanks ......
 the brigand that take him in the city center equipped to kill him To be a lesson to others .. But in not changed his position ......
 When it arrived Shanks and his crew ...
 and said Shanks sayings great ((may laugh when you spat on ..
 or poured a drink on my head ...
 but I will not forgive you if you try to harm one of my friends)) ...
tried to gang bandits attack them. .,
 but was defeated at the hands of one of the crew members Shanks .....
 when it was their leader kidnapped Luffy and escape him into the sea by a small ship ...
and when he moved away inside the sea has to throw to in the water and in can not swim to eat the fruit of the devil .. ....
 The surprise is that a big sea monsters attacking the boat and eat bandit .. and when about to attack ...
 In the shanks to protect and save him ..
 but the price was expensive ..
. the price is right hand when he saw ....
 At cries But Shanks replied that they just do not hand over and more importantly, is Salamthbad that incident a few days .. Shanks decided to leave town to go boil Grand Line ...
[/ B] When he asked for and if he wants to join him ...
 but Luffy refused and told him that he will bring a great crew stronger than Shanks crew and the access to One Piece and become the Pirate King .......
 when he heard the words of Shanks and realized that it would have a fate great in this world and giving him the hat Straw that Aazzaa lot and said to him: when realized Amntik Come prepared to., and three years later began to sail in to achieve this dream When he fought Crocodile realized that the weak point in the Crocodile is water. Therefore has to drink barrels of water .., keep water inside his stomach ...
 and thus ounce of water spray on the Crocodile time what he wants

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